
Software Performance Technical Terms

[Last Updated: May 2, 2016]

Software Engineering Programming 


Response time for end users. High-performance software are capable to handle a very large amounts of processing capacity over short time periods.


This is response time in terms of business transactions over a long time periods. High throughput software are capable to handle large amounts of possessing capacity sustained over long time periods.

Response Time

Amount of time system takes to process a request after it has received one.

In real-time systems the response time of a task or thread is defined as the time elapsed between the dispatch (time when task is ready to execute) to the time when it finishes its job.


Latency usually referred as waisted time during a process. This is usually used with Remote Response time. For example, we want to invoke a web service. Apart from the processing time that is needed on the server to process your request, there is an additional delay involved for the request to reach to server which is referred as Latency,


It is the capability of a software to continue functioning when its context is changed, typically due to larger volume of input data in order to meet a user need. In large volume scenario, adding additional hardware should be good enough for the software to increase it's processing capability.

Load Testing

Load testing is the process to determine a software behavior under both normal and expected peak load conditions.

Stress Testing

The process of testing the software system beyond it's expected peak load conditions. The load is increased gradually until the system breaks down. It's a way to find out maximum load a software system can handle.