Fork/join example using RecursiveTask implementation.
RecursiveTask is a subclass ForkJoinTask which returns a value.

package com.logicbig.example;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.concurrent.ForkJoinPool;
import java.util.concurrent.RecursiveTask;
public class RecursiveTaskExample {
public static void main (String[] args) {
List<BigInteger> list = new ArrayList<>();
for (int i = 3; i < 20; i++) {
list.add(new BigInteger(Integer.toString(i)));
BigInteger sum = ForkJoinPool.commonPool().
invoke(new FactorialTask(list));
System.out.println("Sum of the factorials = " + sum);
private static class FactorialTask extends RecursiveTask<BigInteger> {
private static int SEQUENTIAL_THRESHOLD = 5;
private List<BigInteger> integerList;
private FactorialTask (List<BigInteger> integerList) {
this.integerList = integerList;
protected BigInteger compute () {
if (integerList.size() <= SEQUENTIAL_THRESHOLD) {
return sumFactorials();
} else {
int middle = integerList.size() / 2;
List<BigInteger> newList = integerList.subList(middle, integerList.size());
integerList = integerList.subList(0, middle);
FactorialTask task = new FactorialTask(newList);
BigInteger thisSum = this.compute();
BigInteger thatSum = task.join();
return thisSum.add(thatSum);
private BigInteger sumFactorials () {
BigInteger sum = BigInteger.ZERO;
for (BigInteger i : integerList) {
sum = sum.add(CalcUtil.calculateFactorial(i));
return sum;
Sum of the factorials = 128425485935180310
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